48-Red Roses Bouchon Bouquet
XL Bouchon bouquet
For those who wish to express their love in the most unforgettable way, the 48-Rose Bouchon Bouquet is the epitome of elegance and grandeur. This extraordinary arrangement boasts an impressive 48 luxurious red roses, each one hand-selected for its stunning beauty and perfect form. Surrounded by soft baby’s breath and every rose is embellished with sparkling diamond-shaped stones. This bouquet is adorned with delicate gold metallic crown and gold butterflies, creating a breathtaking display that radiates romance and opulence. Tied together with an elegant black ribbon, this bouquet is not just a gift; it's an experience—one that will leave your special someone in awe and filled with joy.
When words alone aren’t enough, the 48-Rose Bouchon Bouquet speaks volumes, making it the perfect gesture for those who want to show their love in the grandest and most impressive way possible. This bouquet is for those who believe that love should be celebrated with passion, beauty, and an unforgettable statement.
It also comes with a small message card from the sender, allowing you to personalize your gesture with a heartfelt note.
XL Bouchon bouquet
For those who wish to express their love in the most unforgettable way, the 48-Rose Bouchon Bouquet is the epitome of elegance and grandeur. This extraordinary arrangement boasts an impressive 48 luxurious red roses, each one hand-selected for its stunning beauty and perfect form. Surrounded by soft baby’s breath and every rose is embellished with sparkling diamond-shaped stones. This bouquet is adorned with delicate gold metallic crown and gold butterflies, creating a breathtaking display that radiates romance and opulence. Tied together with an elegant black ribbon, this bouquet is not just a gift; it's an experience—one that will leave your special someone in awe and filled with joy.
When words alone aren’t enough, the 48-Rose Bouchon Bouquet speaks volumes, making it the perfect gesture for those who want to show their love in the grandest and most impressive way possible. This bouquet is for those who believe that love should be celebrated with passion, beauty, and an unforgettable statement.
It also comes with a small message card from the sender, allowing you to personalize your gesture with a heartfelt note.
XL Bouchon bouquet
For those who wish to express their love in the most unforgettable way, the 48-Rose Bouchon Bouquet is the epitome of elegance and grandeur. This extraordinary arrangement boasts an impressive 48 luxurious red roses, each one hand-selected for its stunning beauty and perfect form. Surrounded by soft baby’s breath and every rose is embellished with sparkling diamond-shaped stones. This bouquet is adorned with delicate gold metallic crown and gold butterflies, creating a breathtaking display that radiates romance and opulence. Tied together with an elegant black ribbon, this bouquet is not just a gift; it's an experience—one that will leave your special someone in awe and filled with joy.
When words alone aren’t enough, the 48-Rose Bouchon Bouquet speaks volumes, making it the perfect gesture for those who want to show their love in the grandest and most impressive way possible. This bouquet is for those who believe that love should be celebrated with passion, beauty, and an unforgettable statement.
It also comes with a small message card from the sender, allowing you to personalize your gesture with a heartfelt note.
Please Note:
Ribbon color may vary, but rest assured it will always include a ribbon.
Butterfly color may vary, but butterflies will always be included.
Greenery style might vary, but every arrangement will include a beautiful greenery bed.
Crown style, size, and color may vary, but every arrangement will always feature a beautiful crown.
Please note, this bouquet does not include a vase. This is an XL bouquet, designed to make a bold statement with its vibrant, full arrangement.